A Frugal Moment


So, you are looking to save money. 

You want to know what things you can stop buying to save money. 


We make many unnecessary purchases in our day to day lives that cost us a pretty penny over time. Some of these are due to hunger, some unknowingly, some due to convenience and some because we did not know there was another option. 


I am here to share with you some things you can give up, that will save you hundreds of dollars (Like I have).


1. Stop Going Out For Lunch

Stop going through the drive-thru, skip the cafeteria, and bring your lunch from home. I know how easy it is to just buy a lunch, but you will save so much money. Just take a few minutes the night before to prepare lunch at home.

May I suggest leftovers from dinner with a side of fruit? Or plan your lunches and make ahead on Sunday night. 


2. Quit Buying Name Brand Food

You are paying for the name, the packaging and the advertising of a branded item. The majority of items that are store brand are made in the same facilities as your favorite brands.

Don’t believe me?

Compare the labels you’ll see the same addresses of the manufacturers and identical ingredient lists.



3. Stop Buying Items Marketed Towards Women


Ever heard of the Pink Tax?

It is a real thing, companies charge different prices for near identical items just based on the color. Personal hygiene items, stationary, clothes, and anything they can basically make pink or glittery, women are charged more for. Be mindful of the markups when shopping. The most common example is women’s razors, they usually come identical to mens, with a pink handle or more rounded femine design for out small gentle hands. And then a dollar or more in price compared to the men’s equivalent. So save yourself some money and buy the men’s option for certain items. 




4. Stop Buying Home Decor


What?! No Homesense? 

How often do you really need to change your home decor?  

I know, I know, it is so tempting. 


I used to work at the craft store, and saw all the seasonal decor, and man was it hard to resist sometimes. But one of the many things I learned from working retail, I was able to see the mark-up. With my handy dandy RF Gun, I was able to see how much an item cost the company to have manufactured… as well as how much we were selling it for.

An example of this is an item that cost $3.00 for the company to make. And the retail price would be $ 50 just to put it on sale for $25 to sell it, This was an eye opener. Companies do this so we are made to think we are getting a great deal.

If you really want to freshen up your home try to DIY it yourself, or buy classic pieces that will be great year round. Shop your home first, can an item be used in a different room, or can your spruce it up with a new paint color?


5. Stop Buying Shaving Cream

Especially the stuff marketed towards women (#Pinktax)

Buy the lower cost men’s option or use good old soap (which is gwhat I use). I have also heard conditioner is another great alternative to use it helps hydrate your legs.



6. Stop Buying Candles 

With candles you are literally burning your money. Not to mention breathing in chemicals that are not good for you. Oh, and the safe, good quality candles cost even more. 

You can always add these to gift lists if you really still wish to enjoy them, without having to buy them. 


7. Light Bulbs


When I first moved into my own place, I never even thought about the light bulbs. But once they started burning out, and needed replacing, I went for the more environmentally friendly LED bulbs. They usually cost more money up front, but you will see the savings on the electricity bill. They usually have a longer burn life as well. And if you are not in desperate need for them, wait until they go on sale. That’s what we did, last time we went a little overboard, and bought a few more boxes than we needed, as we had never seen such a great price.



 8. No More Paper Towels

Paper towels, are another item you are spending money on to just throw in the trash.

 Paper towels can get expensive, especially if your household features many messes.  They are very convenient but are not a must have. 

If our grandparents and great grandparents could live without paper towels then so can you. 

Use a cloth towel, and for dirty messes use a rag, or old cut up shirt. 

Andrew and I have cut back a great deal on paper towels, but we do have two cats and a lizard… so paper towels come in handy when we don’t want to throw overly soiled rags into our laundry.

By cutting back on buying paper towels you can save a hundred dollars or more. 


9. Makeup 

Controversial topic, I know!


Instead of buying a ton of cheap makeup, invest in a few higher quality products, if you use them regularly and will get your money’s worth. There is also many dupes you can find at the drugstore.

For me personally I only wear makeup on date nights, and with COVID, and staying at home, I can not even remember the last time I put on any makeup. 

10. Body Wash

A while back I had transitioned back to bar soap. It was a more cost effective option, as well I was not contributing to plastic pollution. Occasionally I am gifted body wash, and will use it as I do not like to waste, and it was free.

11. Tampons and Pads 

There are alternatives out there ladies. 

There are reusable pads for those of you who like pads, there is also the very popular menstrual cup as well as period underwear, designed to wick away moisture and collect blood.

I was seriously debating  Menstrual cups and did all the research but they still sounded kinda scary and more mess than I wanted (knowing how clumsy I am). But I have heard many positives about them (environmentally and wallet wise).

Next up period underwear. I love mine, you don’t have no bulky pad, or have to remember to change your tampon. I feel free when wearing mine. There are many brands coming up with such products, I am a fan of Knix but another popular brand is Thinx. 


Start saving today, by passing on the above items.

If you stop buying one or more of these items, it will equal more money in your pocket. You may even find you can live without all of these items.


Ready to give it a try?

Let me know in the comments below what you have stopped buying to save money. 



Stay Frugal,



Connie xoxo